Parisi Holiday Collection

Celebrate the holiday season with our gift baskets, scarves, and other featured items!

A gift box featuring our Cup of Excellence - Ethiopia {Lot 16}, Ethiopia Vacuum Atmos Canister, and Parisi Carter Move Mug 
A gift box featuring our Espresso Parisi and Heritage Scarf
A gift set with our Brazil COCARIVE and Bravissimo coffees complemented by our Parisi Scarf
A blue scarf with our Heritage Crest on the front and PARISI spelled out across the back in red and yellow
A black and white version of our Heritage Scarf featuring our Heritage Crest on the front with PARISI across the back
A black Fellow Carter Move Mug with our signature Heritage Crest on the front
A Fellow Atmos Vacuum Canister with Ethiopia Cup of Excellence - Lot 16 written across the front
Our limited edition offering from Ethiopia's first Cup of Excellence competition