Whether you’ve enjoyed our coffee for years or are a new fan of our brand, we are proud to share our love of exceptional coffee with you. Thank you so much for being Parisi partigiani!
Today, we’re proud to show you, our most loyal customers, our new look designed by our exceptional creative team.

Sara Nieman, our most tenured designer, created a vision that balances the tensions at the heart of our brand. We’re intensely future-focused but driven by our family heritage of the Italian diaspora. We savor a few quiet minutes each day together but can be loud and bold when the occasion calls for it {and, if we’re honest with each other, when it doesn’t}.
What Sara put together is a vision of where Parisi is today and where we are going as a coffee company.

Sara distilled our core truth – Italian Heritage – into a visual reality. She was inspired by a family love for art and artistry, the pride and pageantry of Italian cities, the way fashion and fabric can change our perspective on the simple act of getting dressed every day, the timelessness of beautiful architecture, and a love for il bel gioco, “the beautiful game.”
We are a bunch of coffee aficionados. We began roasting coffee in small batches 15 years ago in our family bakery on 24th Street in Kansas City and have grown so much in the years since then.
We could bombard you with our accolades and anecdotes but we have always believed that our coffee should speak for itself.

More than ever, we hope Parisi Coffee is a beautiful part of your day and that you can savor {Arte della Tazza} from the moment you see one of our bags to the lingering memory of our exceptional tasting coffee long after you’ve finished your cup.
And if you love our new look, we wouldn’t mind if you shared our Instagram @parisicoffee with your friends and family so they can see it too.